Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Atlanta, GA and the Jeep Compass

This traveling stuff sure can get old. The very next day after getting back from Canada, I'm back on a plane flying across the country. My company is based just outside of Atlanta, and I've been given the nod to apply for a new position within the company. One with less travel :)

So I headed out. I really dig's in my Top 5 cities list. And I have a few stops I have to make when I'm out there. It's a trip of gluttony. First stop- Krystal . Yup...I'm addicted to the little burgers. Krystal is basically White Castle, only different colors. Oh man they taste so good. I'm sure it's just because we don't have anything like them on the West Coast. And I know it's not just me...I have a friend that drove to Minnesota and back in a weekend just for White Castle. Yup...little burgers have a way of getting under your skin. Just make sure mine are minus mustard with lots of ketchup on the side ;)

Second stop...Daddy D'z OMG...the best BBQ evar! This was the first REAL BBQ I ever had, and I make it a point to stop in every time I'm in Atlanta. I remember my first time...I saunder up to the counter and an old lady comes up and asks me what I'll have. I pause, and tell her that I really don't know. I'm from the PNW, and we don't have real BBQ out there. She says, "Oh honey...I'm sorry." and as she hands me the most delicious rib I've ever eaten she says "You gnaw on that for awhile, and take your time. When you're ready- let me know." I think I fell in love at that moment. Stubb's was awesome...but Daddy D'z will always hold a special place in my heart. Try the combo plate- you won't be disappointed.

As for the Jeep Compass- it's a rental. No guts, stripped down, but adequate. Although this particular model had some major clutch slippage at under 10k miles...yup, a rental :)

1 comment:

gayle said...

I can't wait to try Daddy D'z baby <3