Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Seattle Trip #1 and a Toyota Avalon

This week, I am a yo-yo. In an effort to balance work and fun, I'm driving like a mad man. My first trip to Seattle was on Thursday, when I drove from Portland to Seattle with my mom in her Toyota Avalon. An interesting trip- take my mom to a baseball game Thursday night, work Friday morning, drive home Friday afternoon. Now...driving with my mom is not the easiest thing. I love her to death...but she is the worst passenger in the entire world. Every time someone slowed/turned/stepped off a curb/changed lanes in front of me, she grabbed on for dear life and made a noise that could only resemble a squeeky chew toy stuck in a blender. I was pretty much done after I got the angry mom voice for making a U-turn...which I had to remind her was legal in the state of Washington. Her reponse was classic- "Well, they shouldn't be"

The nicest part of the drive was actually the vehicle...and later model Toyota Avalon. A very comfortable car, feels very solid. And honestly a very good value at around $27k. Only a few gripes with this one:

- It's a total old person car (Have you ever seen anyone under the age of 50 driving one?)
- The cruise control is NOT smooth (need to go to the chiropractor after hitting 'resume')
- Fabric seats are not finished well (wrinkly) and feel very cheap
- No 12V Power supply in a convienient location (my GPS cord was stretched out and looped around the steering wheel)

All and all, it was a very comfortable drive when I was driving. And a great trip, all things considered. I got some mom time in, watched a baseball game on a perfect summer evening (the Mariners could win one sometime), and had papaya pancakes for breakfast before driving back on Friday.

Seattle Trip #2 began on Saturday...and will follow soon!

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